As We Get Older, Does Our Hearing Loss Worsen?

Man with hearing problems or hearing loss. Hearing test concept.

Does hearing loss get worse as you age? Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions impacting all adults as they age, but it is a gradual process. Half of people older than 75 have trouble with their hearing, as a matter of fact.


The slowly advancing condition of hearing loss as we age is commonly known as presbycusis. There is no one definitive cause for this to happen, but it is normally considered a combo of many factors.

Changes occur in our inner ear as we grow older. There are tiny hair cells in our inner ear that help us to hear. They pick up sound waves and change them into nerve signals that our brain utilizes to interpret sound.

The beginning of hearing loss occurs when the hair cells become damaged or die. Hearing loss that is the outcome of damage to these hairs is permanent as these hairs never regenerate.

A few of the triggers of hearing loss include the following:

  • The risk of hearing loss is increased by smoking.
  • Wearing headphones when listening to loud music can increase the risk.
  • Hearing loss can be the outcome of several medical conditions, including diabetes.
  • Hearing loss risk is raised by specific drugs including chemotherapy drugs.
  • Hearing loss can be genetics.
  • Exposure to loud sound frequently over long time periods.

Some common symptoms of age-related hearing loss

When you have a tough time hearing soft voices, kid’s voices, voices when there is a lot of background noise, and an overall lack of resolution when someone speaks are all symptoms of Presbycusis.

In addition, elevating the TV volume, asking others to repeat what they said, and ringing in your ears can also be indications of hearing loss.

The importance of managing age-related hearing loss

Neglected hearing loss decreases quality of life. Anxiousness, depression, sadness, social withdrawal, jeopardized relationships, and an increased risk of developing dementia are all ways that neglected hearing loss can have a negative effect on your quality of life.

These problems can, to a great extent, be avoided by having your hearing loss treated with strategies like hearing aids, telephone amplifiers, lip reading, a cochlear implant, or if your hearing loss is extreme, sign language.

No one should suffer with age-related hearing loss. There are ways to take pleasure in your life again.

Consult us today to schedule your hearing test and to talk about the best treatments for your hearing loss or for somebody you love.

Older Adults — Hearing Health Foundation
Hearing Loss: A Common Problem for Older Adults | National Institute on Aging (
Seniors and Hearing Loss – American Academy of Audiology

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.


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